Pyrid Aerosol; How to Use Pyrid Aerosol Insecticide; Do you know how to use pyrid aerosol insecticide? Or better still do you know what it is? worry less as this informative article will teach you how to use pyrid insecticide step-by-step.
In a situation where you need to flush all infesting pests out of hiding or you need to knock down potentially harmful pests fast, pyrid aerosol insecticide will provide you with a wide range of control of flying and crawling pests in and around your home.
What is Pyrid Aerosol Insecticide?
Pyrid aerosol insecticide is a botanical insecticide prepared with 0.5% pyrethrins and 4% Pimpernel butoxide or PBO a synergist. This insecticide is a synthetic pyrethroid that works by interfering with labeled pest’s nervous systems resulting in an immediate knockdown and killing machine minutes.
Pyrid aerosol insecticide has a product label that includes many pests such as cockroaches, spiders, flies, bedbugs, wasps, and a variety of pantry pests.
How to Use Pyrid Aerosol Insecticide
Pyrid aerosol comes ready to use and requires no additional tools. This product includes the aerosol which can itself be a white actuator for space spray or direct spray applications.
- It can be used with a spinner red actuator with an application, a straw for crack, and crevice treatments.
- Applying pyrid is easy just shake the can.
- Add water to the can appropriately for your desired application.
- Use direct applications making sure the white actuator is affixed to the can.
- When treating cracks and crevices, replace the white actuator with the red and a fixed the application straw to the nozzle.
- When applying indoors, make sure all windows and doors are closed and use labeled application rates which may differ depending on how you’ll be applying the product and the size of the space you’re treating.
- When treating flying insects use a rate of 20 seconds per 1,000 cubic feet.
- For crawling insects, you can find the total cubic footage of your treatment space by multiplying the spaces linked with the heights.
- For direct spring, apply pyrid in short bursts from a distance of 18 to 24 inches from the target surface.
- Make sure not to exceed 10 seconds of spray per room or 10 seconds per 100 cubic feet in commercial areas.
- For crack and crevice treatments, you’ll apply pyrid at a rate of 3 feet per second for light infestations or 1 foot per second for heavy infestations.
Where to Use Pyrid Aerosol Insecticide
Pyrid insecticide aerosol is labeled to be used in and outside of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Apply this product to control pests in and around homes, apartments, hotels, motels, warehouses, campgrounds, and transportation, like aircraft, ships, trucks, restaurants, or other food-handling establishments.
Wrapping Up
Pyrid is especially useful in summer when pests are active, or during fall and winter when pests invade indoors for food and shelter. When applying outdoors, it is best to spray when wind speeds are lower than 5 miles per hour.
Pyrid insecticide aerosol is safe to use and harmless to children or pets. When used according to label directions, always wear the proper personal protective equipment or PPE. When handling chemicals, do not allow people or pets into treatment areas until the product has dried completely.
Pyrid can be used as often as needed to kill pests on contact, but be aware this product will not leave any lasting residual. Also when applying spring pyrid indoors, turn off any air conditioning and fans and make sure all doors and windows in the room are closed.
This will prevent any air currents from altering the intended spray area, ensuring your treatment stays on target. Pyrid is an effective insecticide that will help flush pests out of cracks and crevices or knockdown active presence immediately.
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