How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies | DIY Pest Control

There are effective steps on how to get rid of spotted lanternflies. Spotted lanternflies are a relatively new threat to homeowners globally.

This pest is an invasive species that attack trees and crops not only that but they will produce honeydew that will attract many other pests to your property as well.

Moreover, in this article, you will learn how to get rid of spotted lanternflies by identifying and treating this pest on your property, so you can keep your trees and shrubs safe from harm.


Facts and How to Identify Spotted Lanternflies

Spotted lanternflies belong to the species of insect called leafhoppers, an insect is known to jump or fly from tree to tree.

The spotted lanternfly has tan for wings and covers red, white, and black with hind each having wings partially covered in spots.

The tip of the tan for wings has more densely packed spots resulting in a darker area. At maturity, they will grow up to one and a half inches in length.

Males, being smaller at about 4/5 of an inch in length. Spotted lanternflies are known to target over 70 different plant and trees species including grapes, willow trees or trees, and maple trees.

The plan is to feed on the sap and produce honeydew, a sugary waste material that can attract other pests like ants and wasps over time.

Spotted lanternflies can even produce sooty mold at places plants grow and anywhere else nearby.

When on the lookout for spotted lanternflies, be sure to look out for nymphs and eggs as well. Nymph spotted lanternflies are capable of just as much damage as their adult counterparts.

Nymphs can be found from late spring hatching from smear-like egg cases. The nymphs will look like black insects with small white dots during their final nymph stage before maturity, however, the nymphs will take on a red pigment.


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Picture of a Spotted Lanternflies

Below is a picture of spotted lanternflies.

how to get rid of spotted lanternflies

how to get rid of spotted lanternflies
Spotted Lanternflies


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When Do Spotted Lanternflies Infest?

Once you are done getting facts and identifying the pest on your property, you need to know the signs of spotted lanternflies and where to inspect for them.

Spotted lanternflies reproduce with one generation per year. The adults are present from summer to late fall.

They typically lay eggs on flat surfaces from September to November. The eggs will overwinter and hatch at the beginning of summer.

On the environment, they will develop into adults as early as July, and as late as September.


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How Do I Find Spotted Lanternflies?

Check around your property to confirm their presence or to find their activities. Spotted lanternflies are known to feed on a wide variety of plants.

So you will want to check any trees and ornamental shrubbery on your property for signs of their activity.


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How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies Naturally

After identifying your pests and inspecting for activity on your property. It’s time to start treatments.

  • It is important to take a few measures to remove any eggs you may have found.
  • Spotted lanternflies are known to greed and cluster on the surfaces of plants. Simply prune away infested parts and dispose of them.
  • Look out for clusters and destroy them.
  • Spotted lanternflies will also lay eggs on any flat surface from tree trunks to rocks to man-made structures.
  • If you find any spotted lanternflies on any plant, prune them away and toss them.
  • If you find eggs on the side of a building, they can be scraped or washed off.
  • Eggs on trees can simply be scraped off or pressure washed in order to stop spotted lanternflies and other pests from infesting trees and plants on your property.


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How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies Using Pesticides

When attempting any chemical treatment, ensure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE and remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry before applying any product.

  • You will need to apply a broad controlling systemic insecticide like Reclaim IT.
  • Reclaim IT is a bifenthrin-based liquid insecticide product that’s labeled to treat over 70 pests including spotted lanternflies.
  • These pests can attract other pests on your property, we recommend applying the product at a rate of 0.25 to 0.5 fluid ounces of Reclaim IT per 1,000 square feet of the treatment area.
  • You may need to treat hard-to-reach areas and trees or other higher elevations. We recommend you use a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer since they can be adjusted to spray further distances.
  • To use the 20-gallon hose-end sprayer remove the reservoir from the nozzle, make sure the sprayers control valve and your water pump are off.
  • Attach the nozzle to the hose, have the proper amount of your insecticide products, then fill the reservoir with enough water to treat the entire lawn.
  • Ensure you thoroughly coat the area and push the product into the soil, use at least 2 gallons of water per thousand square feet of the treatment area.
  • Check to make sure your control valve and water pump are off. Then reattach the reservoir to the nozzle.
  • Once you have ensured a tight connection. You can now turn the water on to spray.


Further Treatment

To control spotted lanternflies and other pests that have a honeydew.

  • Apply your solution over ornamentals and shrubbery. Be sure to treat both the top and bottom of any leaves.
  • Additionally, spray around any trees by spring several feet up the trunk and several feet out.
  • In order to reach the trees branches or any other tall areas. You can remove the hose-end sprayer’s tip for a powerful stream of solution.
  • When applied properly, the bifenthrin and the solution will be absorbed into treated plants. Pests that feed on affected plants will ingest the bifenthrin which will impact their nervous systems and killed Them within the hour.
  • Reclaim IT also leaves behind powerful, residual effects onto surfaces where it was applied.
  • Labeled pests that make contact with the residual will also have their nervous systems impacted and will also die within the hour.


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How to Prevent Spotted Lanternflies

Prevention is essential to keeping pests in check. Even after you have applied pesticides, the best way to stop pest activity is to make sure it can’t happen.

To prevent spotted lanternflies, continue applying both natural and chemical treatments to your plants and other surfaces to keep spotted lanternflies and other pests from infesting your property.

Also, Reclaim IT has a residual effect that lasts up to 90 days. So, we recommend you spray quarterly for year-round control.



Spotted lanternflies are a threat to trees all over the world, but there are ways to prevent an infestation from getting out of hand.

Following these DIY guides on how to get rid of spotted lanternflies, you can stop these flies and other pests from infesting your property.

Do well to share and keep visiting Pestclue for more tips on pest control.

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