Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye can be used in lawn care products to mark treated areas. So do you know how to use Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye for a lawn?
This product is a valuable tool that eliminates unintentional over-treating or overlooking of regions, as well as product waste. Additionally, it helps check product waste.
Blue coloration will temporarily appear in treated regions if the treatment involves items that contain dye. In this article, you will learn how to use Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye for your lawn care.
What is Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye?
Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye is a concentration of 36 percent of Acid Blue 9 dye, which is produced by Solutions Pest and Lawn and is the most concentrated dye currently available on the market for your lawn care. This product cost about $50.
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Why You Should Use Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye for Lawn Treatment
When it comes to lawn care and pest control, your application technique is just as important as when you mix your products.
Making simple mistakes like overlapping your application or leaving areas untreated, some of the products will go to waste.
Vision Promax indicator dye is an additive that can be mixed into pest control and turf care products to indicate which areas have been treated.
When mixed into your product the application of Vision Pro Max will temporarily turn treated areas blue, preventing waste by showing you exactly where you’ve sprayed.
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How to Use Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye for Lawn
Vision Pro Max indicator dye is an additive product. So use it to enhance your pesticide, or fertilizer application. You can apply this product using a sprayer of your choice.
To use Vision Pro Max, make sure you mix your pesticide or fertilizer product according to its label instructions. Below are the steps to use:
- Measure, and add the dye to the solution according to the label, you can add 6 to 10 fluid ounces per 100 gallons of solution.
- Depending on the turf’s color and height, for smaller applications, that’s about three milliliters per one gallon of solution.
- After you’ve added the dye, close and shake the sprayer to create an even distribution.
- Once you’ve completed mixing, you can spray the treatment area minimizing overlap and optimizing your coverage Vision Pro Max indicator dye can be used on Turf soil would and other fibrous materials.
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Where To Apply Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye
This product can help enhance pesticide applications on golf courses, parks, recreational areas, and other commercial properties, as well as residential properties.
Vision Pro Max can be used anytime with an insecticide, or herbicide, and when a bunch of society fertilizer is being applied to turf and you would like to keep track of what you’ve sprayed and how much you sprayed.
Note: Be sure to make applications on calm dry days, when rain is not in the immediate forecast.
Where Can I Purchase Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye?
Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye is safe to use around children and pets. When used according to the product label instructions.
Always wear the proper personal protective equipment when applying and handling this product and follow all safety guidelines of the pesticide or fertilizer you’re applying.
Check the weather conditions before applying products mixed with Vision Pro Max indicator dye as heavy rain and sunlight can cause the blue dye to wash or fade away.
Vision Pro Max indicator dye will help enhance your product application by optimizing for coverage. Reading to this point, we believe you have learned how to use Vision Pro Max Indicator Dye for your lawn treatment.
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