What is Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator?

What is Pyriproxyfen insect growth regulator? You can use insecticides to kill adult pests, but to get total control of an infestation, using insect growth regulators is a better process.

These pair products If applied to targeted juvenile pests can prevent them from reproducing. This article will teach you about this active ingredient and show you how to use popular products made with it. 


What is Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator?

What is Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator?

Pyriproxyfen registered for use as an insecticide in the US in 1995 is an active ingredient used to control insect and pest infestations consisting of ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and others.

This ingredient belongs to a class of insecticides known as insect growth regulators or IGRs. IGRs inhibit the life cycles of insects so they cannot develop into reproductive adults.

This causes the pests to die out with no viable generation to continue the infestation. When it passed comes in contact with or ingests the chemical.

This active ingredient is a juvenile hormone, a log, and mimics the presence of certain hormones. When these hormones are detected at high enough levels, the insect’s ability to mold or develop into more mature life cycle stages is disrupted.

In studies conducted on mosquitoes, researchers found that when adult mosquitoes were exposed to Pyriproxyfen. They found reduced egg hatching and fewer larvae are able to develop into adult mosquitoes.


Read also: How to Use Novacide Insecticide Flea and Tick Killer


Is Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator Safe for Use at Home?

The products made with Pyriproxyfen are safe to use in and around the home. When used according to label directions, always wear the proper personal protective equipment or PPE.

When applying any insecticides and keep them out of reach of any children or pets. Whereas much coverage as you need to avoid direct skin contact and use a respirator or other facial coverings to avoid inhalation.

Brief exposure may cause mild irritation or uneven breathing but symptoms will recover shortly.


Read also: Tekko Pro IGR | How To Use


Products made from Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator

If you’re looking for products made from pyriproxyfen insect growth regulators that can control and will kill adult pests as well as control juvenile passes.

Check out these products below;


1. Novacide flea and tick killer

Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator

Despite its name, Novacide flea and tick killer kills many insects, not just fleas and ticks. This product, also controls any herbs, rats, cockroaches, stored product pests, and other insects.

Novacide is made with 0.1% of pyriproxyfen products. If in the 0.05% pyrethrins and 0.4% mithran. This product comes ready to use as an aerosol spraying insecticide.


How to use

  • To apply Novacide, shake the can well and hold it at an arm’s length.
  • Then apply it to carpets, floors, furniture, and other surfaces where labeled pests can be found.
  • Use a sweeping motion and back away while holding the can 36 inches away from the area being treated.
  • To treat pantry shelves, create a barrier along where the shelves meet the wall by applying one to two-inch spots of a product 1 to 2 inches apart.

Note: Do not allow people or pets into the treatment until the product dries completely, depending on the pest. After treatment, you may need to conduct a follow-up application after 10 to 21 days.

When dry, I believe a residual will continue to treat the area for up to seven months. Labeled pests that make contact with the spray or it’s residual will die within several hours.

While immature pests will be affected by the products IGR, which will stunt their growth and prevent them from becoming reproductive adults.


Read also: How to Control Garden Insects without Pesticides and Insecticides


2. Tekko Pro IGR

Pyriproxyfen Insect Growth Regulator

If you’re looking for products made from pyriproxyfen insect growth regulators to control insects indoors and outdoors then check out Tekko Pro IGR.

Tekko Pro IGR is an insect growth regulator made with 1.3% pyriproxyfen. This product is a liquid concentrate, so it must be mixed with water before application.


How to use

  • We recommend you mix and apply this product with a handheld, pump sprayer, depending on the pest you’re targeting.
  • You’ll mix the products labeled rate of one to two fluid ounces of product into one gallon of water for every 1,500 square feet of the treatment area.
  • Application areas include but are not limited to carpets boxes, springs, baseboards, underneath appliances, around windows, door frames, on vertical surfaces like walls on ornamental beds, or broadcast over lawns.

Juvenile pests that make contact with the chemical or its active residual activity will have their life cycles impacted and will be unable to develop into reproductive adults.



Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator used to supplement killing insecticides for total control over your pest infestations.

With these pro products and tips, you can stop pests from infesting your property. If you like this pest control guide, please share it let’s fight pests together and keep our health and environment safe. Keep visiting our website for more tips on DIY Pest Solutions.

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