Silverfish Arizona: Why They Have Become A Serious Problem In The State

The silverfish is a harmless pest and hence should not be a problem. However, the silverfish Arizona is known to be a serious nuisance to residents in this state due to their constant search for moisture in the homes of these residents.

Most parts of Arizona are desert areas, hence silverfish find their way into homes to search for food, shelter, and moisture most especially.

Would you please follow me as I unravel these pests and provide suggestions on how to prevent them based on my experience with them? Let’s go!


Introduction to the Silverfish Arizona

So I did my research on the silverfish in Arizona to see if they were any different from other silverfish found in other parts of the world, well they are very similar to the rest.

One thing is certain, though, and that is that these pests are a serious problem in Arizona, which is why they must not be ignored.

I will be describing this pest soon but you must know that they exhibit fish-like movements and have skins that are covered in silver-colored scales.

Despite being called silverfish they are not related to fishes and have no business in the water, instead, they are land creatures with high moisture requirements.


Read also: Baby Silverfish Bug: Identification & The Dangers Of Housing This Pest


Is the Silverfish in Arizona a Problem?

Yes, silverfish in Arizona is a serious problem, unlike in other parts of the world. Since humid environments will likely attract insects that love moisture, it should not come as a surprise when you spot a silverfish in your home in Arizona.

Spotting silverfish in your home could be a good thing as they will help you become aware of any water damage or plumbing leaks.

Allowing silverfish to thrive in your home could lead to a further infestation by other pests and this is not a good thing for you, don’t you think?


What Do Silverfish Look Like?

Silverfish Arizona
Picture of the Silverfish

Below I have listed major bodily features that can be used to identify the Arizona silverfish:

  • Their bodies are brown or grey.
  • Their bodies are covered in silver-colored scales.
  • Their heads are larger than their tails.
  • They have flattened bodies.
  • They reach lengths of 0.5 to 1 inches.
  • Their bodies are carrot-shaped.
  • They have 3 rear bristle-like appendages.
  • They do not have wings.
  • They have 2 long antennae.


What Attracts Silverfish Arizona?

3 things majorly attract the silverfish Arizona and they include the following:

  • Food
  • Moisture
  • Shelter

If your home has all 3 of the above-mentioned requirements, then a baby silverfish Arizona is sure to have a comfortable stay till it reaches its adult stage.

If you plan to allow these pests to thrive for long then you must know that they have a lifespan of 3 to 6 years.  This means you will be housing these pests for 3 to 6 years plus the fact that they will reproduce in the process.


Read also: Do Silverfish Bite? The Behavior of Silverfish Bug


How Does the Arizona Silverfish Enter the House?

There are a couple of ways through which these pests can gain access to your house, and these include the following:

  • Gaps under doors and windows.
  • Foundation cracks.
  • Tears in screens, etc

In many instances, silverfish are brought into the house by mistake, but if your house has an abundance of these possible entry points, then you are sure to suffer from a silverfish infestation, especially since they have flat bodies that can pass through tiny cracks.

There are several ways in which silverfish can accidentally be brought into the home, and they include the following:

  • Secondhand containers
  • Books
  • Clothes, etc

An amazing fact I got to discover about them is that they can survive for a year without eating. Trust me I was as shocked as you are now! However, this would mean that when they finally get access to these food sources in your home, you are in for trouble.


Where Can Arizona Silverfish Be Found in the Home?

  • Attics
  • Basements
  • Pantries
  • Laundry rooms
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Closet
  • Crawlspaces
  • Utility rooms


How To Prevent Silverfish in Arizona

Since we have now established the fact that the silverfish in Arizona are a real menace, preventing them is somewhat inevitable. Below are ways to possibly prevent an infestation by these pests:

  • Frequent Cleaning:

Cleanliness they say leads to Godliness. If your house is dirty and untidy, silverfish are sure to thrive and they will thrive for long. Leaving food crumbs around is like sending an open invitation to these bugs, so do well to clean regularly.

  • Seal Possible Entry Points:
    • Install door sweeps.
    • Seal cracks and gaps with caulk.
    • Repair torn screens.
  • Eliminate Moisture Issues:
    • Fix plumbing leaks.
    • Place dehumidifiers in your basements to reduce moisture.
  • Inspection is Very Important:
    • Scan through secondhand boxes before bringing them into your house.
    • Carefully check through clothing and books.
  • Proper Storage of Food:
    • You can store perishable food items (pantries) in airtight containers.


Read also: Silver Fish New York: Top 5 Useful Prevention Tips To Ensure Total Control


FAQs About SIlverfish Arizona

Are Silverfish Common in Arizona?

Yes, silverfish are common in Arizona since this region is mostly made up of a desert-like environment. Silverfish are mostly in need of moisture and will infest your house to get the moisture requirements they desire. It should however be united that they can survive for weeks in this region without food or water.


Are Silverfish Harmful to People?

No, silverfish are not harmful to people and therefore pose no danger or threat. They will readily feed on starchy materials in the house that contain protein including books, pantries, and even clothing. Silverfish may be nuisance pests, but they do not carry any diseases and therefore pose no health risks to humans.


Why Did a Silverfish Bite Me?

Silverfish are not known to bite, even in moments of self-defense. They would rather scurry away to avoid being killed. If you were bitten by a silverfish, it is probable that the insect mistook you for food and attempted to check. If it discovers that you are not food, it will make no further attempts.


What Do Silverfish Eat?

Silverfish feed on protein-rich foods that contain starch and these food items include, sugar, fabrics, grains, vegetables, etc. They will also feed on pet food and pantries. Their feeding habits are what make these pests a nuisance as well as the way they would congregate in moisture spots (plumbing leaks).



The Silverfish Arizona is quite an interesting read, and I am glad you read with me the result of my research on this nuisance pest.

Although they are harmless, their feeding habits as well as their long lifespans can be quite disturbing and a serious problem to homeowners in the state of Arizona.

What do you think of the result of my research on the Arizona silverfish? Did I do justice to them? Do well to drop your suggestions as well as questions regarding these pests via the comments section below!

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