Tiny Bugs in the House: How to Identify

Have been experiencing tiny bugs in the house? The worst part is you can not tell the difference as such can not commence proper bug elimination. Here, we’ve got you covered. However, in this article, we will help you identify the most common tiny bugs in the house and what they are.

What are the tiny bugs in my house?

Some bugs fly, while others crawl and others jump. It’s rather unusual to see them jumping species in your house. But if this is the case, it can be quite stressful.

It is quite difficult to identify which of the pests you are dealing with because of their size and also nerve-racking when you are expecting the jump. Homeowners on the East Coast who battle with jumping bugs usually see fleas or springtails. Bed bugs and ants are easily ruled out because they do not jump.

Read also: Fleas on People; How Dangerous are Fleas to Humans?

What Do Fleas Look Like

A flea infestation can only be made possible by an unknowing host animal that carries them indoors. Fleas can only survive in a host, be it a pet or other creatures like mice, rats, squirrels, etc. Having a flea infestation with no pet(s) around means a bigger problem.

It is a sign of rodent infestation within your home. It is of great importance that you take serious measures to eradicate fleas as soon as you see them. The earlier you detect the problem, the plausibility of get the situation under control.

Signs of dark peppered spots on your pet’s fur imply that there is a flea. The use of a flea comb on your pet’s fur exposes any fleas that could be hiding and not easily visible. Immediate action should be taken when you discover fleas on your pets, like taking the pet to the veterinarian.

Another popular hideout for fleas is the rugs and carpeting. Flea Science stipulates that 83% of fleas develop deep within home carpeting. They dig into the fibers where they can hide from light and low levels of humidity. Once the larvae develop, they pass onto your pet and infestation begins.

Read also: How to Stop Gnats from Flying Around You

Tiny bugs in the house
Tiny bugs

Do Fleas Have Wings?

Fleas are flightless; they do not have wings. The National Pest Management Association says that fleas have extremely powerful legs that can springboard them as high as 8 inches vertically, which is roughly 150 times their height.

Humans doing this means they can leap over a skyscrapper. Fleas jump and attach themselves to a host either a dog, cat, or even your shoes and pant legs. Pets get fleas from kennels, groomers, etc., or stray dogs, cats, etc. Fleas hardly jump from one host to another.

Read also: Are Gnats Attracted to Light? Interesting Fact About Gnats

Could I have Springtails in my Home?

Springtails are tiny creatures that infest humid parts of your home like the swimming pools, hot tubs, crawl spaces, mulch, and other outdoor areas. When you see large groups of small dark insects that jump, it means you have springtails.

Springtails are naturally not destructive and cause no harm to humans nor pets but seeing a large number of them from nowhere can be alarming. Springtails are found where moisture is prevalent. That is why they are majorly seen where there is water damage within your basement, kitchen, bathroom, etc.

What Are Springtails?

Springtails are also known as Snow fleas. They are no fleas. Springtails are occasionally seen while shoveling through the snow. They dwell in leaf litter and soil underneath the snow. They look like the dirt of black flecks against the white snow when they’re uncovered.

These jumping insects are usually mistaken for fleas because they act in the same manner. That is why people who do not have springtail infestation pass it for fleas.

Do springtails bite?

Springtails are known to feed on fungi, algae, and plant material. They do not bite, transfer human disease, or even cause structural damage to homes and office buildings.

They are not as popular as other pests are because they do not live in human-made structures. They preferably breed in soil, fungi, decomposing

Few tips from Pest Control Technology Magazine on how to avoid springtail infestation.

  • Immediate repair of water leaks and other likely moisture problems
  • Wet, moldy wood or other moldy items should be removed
  • The use of a fan or dehumidifier to boost air circulation and dry out the area
  •  Wet soil in potted plants should be dried out between waterings
  • Reduction of mulch and other materials outside around the foundation
  • Develop Springtail Cultures
  • It is of great importance to note that people grow or culture springtails In purpose. Springtails are arthropods and a good diet for pet frogs and geckos.


What are Fungus Gnats?

Fungus gnats are usually seen indoors but it is among the most common tiny bugs in the house. They are small flying pests hovering around houseplants. They feed on plant roots and lay eggs in moist organic debris or potting soil.

Fungus gnats are no cause for alarm; they do not cause structural damage, they eat plant leaves, nor do they bite.

But still considered a problem by a few homeowners. These creatures live within the top two to three(2-3) inches of soil within a potted houseplant and will remain somewhat close to the plan during their lifespan.

Signs Of Fungus Gnat

An experimental way to detect the presence of fungus gnat larvae is to put an ¼ inch slice or wedge of potato into the growing medium. Larvae will leave the potato to start feeding within a few days. Then you turn over the potato slices to detect the presence of larvae.

Why Do I have Fleas, Springtails, And Fungus gnats?

The major engineering reason for a pest infestation is their quest for food and water. Fleas are locking onto a host source like your pets. While springtails, on the other hand, are in search of a moist area to live in.

Lastly, fungus gnats are in search of fungi to eat. These small insects usually find their cravings in moist places like an overwatered house plant. They thrive in such conditions.

Will they go away on their own?

These pests do not just go away, conscious measures are taken to prevent and also eradicate them when they finally come. Check your pets regularly for fleas and be sure to take quick action when discovered. Fleas carry diseases that are not good for your health.

What Are The Black Tiny Flies In My Home?

Seeing tiny black bugs crawling around your home is not a reason to panic. If there are no bite signs In you and your pets, then they do probably not have bed bugs or fleas.

Do these problem bugs crunch when you crush them? When a black or brown smear is left behind when you crush them, then you are likely dealing with carpet beetles.

What Are Carpet Beetles?

Carpet beetles are found in homes but not in their numbers. They are among the most common tiny bugs in the house that usually go unnoticed just like another pest. They feed in carpets and other similar materials and reproduce slowly.

Carpet beetles have an extraordinary ability to digest keratin, the structural proteins in animal or human hair and skin, or pet fur. They feed on wool or silk materials, on cereals stored in a pantry. They also tend to drift off from their food source. They are usually seen on walls or floors.

What Do They Look Like?

Carpet beetles are about 1/16 to 1/8 inches long; just about the same size as a pinhead. They vary in color. While some are black, others are mottled with patches of brown and black on a lighter background.
Just like other beetles, they are round or oval and convex, like ladybugs. Carpet beetles are wrapped in tiny hairs, which can not be seen except under magnification.
Carpet beetle larvae appear to be hairy and elongated. They leave behind their molted skins. And this molted skin you tend to see in infested drawers, closets, and pantries.

It is very important to accurately identify the pest before treatment and control. If you are not sure if those tiny blacks are carpet beetles then be sure to take a specimen to a specialist for identification.



Having tiny bugs in the house you live in can be annoying. And most times, they tend to have almost the same features thereby making it difficult to identify them.

Coming to the knowledge of what these tiny bugs are is a huge step to finally eradicating them or having them under control. As studied, most of them do not cause harm but may eat through your clothes, rugs, and furniture. And sometimes tend to cause an allergic reaction.

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