Weevil Trap: The #1 Solution To Your Weevil Problem?

There have been several modifications to the weevil traps, from the boll trap to the pecan traps, etc., but are these traps really worth trying?

These traps have proven to be effective against these bugs, or are they? Well, that is what this article is set to answer.

In this article, we will describe some popular traps, show pictures of what these traps look like, and more. Let us now find out!


How Does a Weevil Trap Work?

There are many ways to use these traps, as they come in different styles. Below are the various types of traps for weevils:

  • Boll weevil trap
  • Circle weevil traps or pecan weevil traps
  • Pea and bean traps for weevils
  • Red palm weevil trap, etc.

All the traps mentioned in the list above function differently. Generally, most traps make use of pheromones (attractive scents).

These pheromones are responsible for attracting a large population of weevils to the trap.

Farmers often use these traps on their farms to keep the weevil population in check since these pests are responsible for attacking farm crops and plants.

The trap also alerts the farmer of an impending infestation. If the population seems to be increasing, the farmer now has the option of introducing insecticides to the farm to prevent further destruction of crops.


Read also: Rice Weevils: Facts, Identification, Control & Prevention


How Do Boll Weevil Traps Work?

This trap works by capturing boll beetles that infest cotton plants.

According to Wikipedia, Boll weevils (named for the type of beetle which feeds on cotton buds) was an American political term used in the mid-to-late 20th century to describe conservative Democrats, particularly Southern Democrats.


Who is the Inventor of the Boll Weevil Trap?

The inventor of the boll weevil trap is none other than Willard A. Dickerson, an employee in Raleigh, N.C. He made this invention for the Department of Agriculture.


How Do Pea and Bean Weevil Traps Work?

Remember the pheromone dispensers we mentioned earlier? Yes, these traps are more effective when used with these pheromone dispensers.

Just like we mentioned earlier, these pheromones produce scents that attract the weevils to the trap. Once they are in, they are unable to escape from the trap.


How To Use Pea and Bean Weevil Traps

  • Place the traps 10 meters apart on the pea or bean field.
  • Use sticks to secure the traps to prevent them from falling over.
  • Do well to check the traps at least 3 times per week.

When you notice these weevils, the population will determine if it is time to employ additional measures, such as insecticides, on your farm.


Read also: How to Identify and Control Rice Weevil Infestations


Pictures of the Different Types of Weevil Traps

Weevil Trap
Picture of the Boll Weevil Trap


Weevil Trap
Picture of the Circle Weevil Traps/Pecan Weevil Traps


Weevil Trap
Picture of the Pea and Bean Weevil Trap


Weevil Trap
Picture of the Red Palm Weevil Traps


FAQs About the Weevil Trap

How Do I Permanently Get Rid of Weevils?

  • Remove unsealed dry foods from your pantry.
  • Clean your pantry.
  • Expose (or freeze) savable items to low temperatures.
  • Clean the pantry thoroughly.
  • Apply insecticides.


What is the Best Weevil Killer?

If you are looking for the best weevil killer, we would recommend the Ortho Insect Mite & Disease 3-in-1 from Amazon.

Do well to follow the label instructions to ensure effective application.


What is the Best Pest Control For Weevils?

The best pest control for weevils is the use of natural enemies such as:

  • Poultry
  • Wasps
  • Praying mantis
  • Assassin bugs
  • Parasitic nematodes, etc.

With the use of these natural enemies, you are sure to put your weevil infestation to a halt. Also note that while doing this, inspection is also necessary.


Read also: Steps To Carry Out Proper Granary Weevil Control



These traps are essential to properly putting these pests in check. Weevils attack in large numbers, and not inspecting your crops regularly can see their population rise to unbearable levels.

An increase in their population will cause greater destruction to crops and farm plantations, which can lead to an increase in the cost of farm products, etc.

What do you think of the aforementioned traps? Have you used any of them before? Let us know your experience via the comments section below!

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