Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph in Bathroom | How to Get Rid

Do you know that smoky brown cockroaches nymph in bathroom can become your worst nightmare?

Nevertheless, there are effective strategies on how to get rid of smoky brown cockroach nymphs in the bathroom and your property entirely.

These cockroaches are normally found in wooded outdoor areas, but occasionally, they can be seen wandering onto your bathroom, or even inside our homes.

No homeowner can stand the sight of these pests indoors, but smoky brown roaches can reach areas where no one would normally expect to see roaches like the attic or the upper floors of a building.

If you spotted these roaches inside your home, that may indicate a larger infestation outdoors.

So in this article, you will get to know how to identify and get rid of Smoky brown cockroaches from your property.

Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph in Bathroom
Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph


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How to Identify Smoky Brown Cockroach Infestation in Bathroom

In any pest control process, before carrying out treatment. It is necessary to identify what exactly you’re dealing with as careless or no identification can lead to wrong treatment methods.

This will eventually cost you time and money. Smoky brown roach nymphs are common to encounter in the southeastern United States but not as common as the more widespread American cockroach.

Pay attention to the following details to easily differentiate smoky brown cockroaches from others.

Smoky brown cockroaches are among the larger cockroaches, but smaller than the American cockroach.

These roaches grow to be about ½ inches in length while the American cockroach is known to grow up to 2 inches in length. Smoky brown roach nymphs are very dark brown to black in color with a black.

Note: American roach nymphs are more neutral ground that fades to a lighter brown towards the end of their tail.

Also, the smoky brown cockroach nymphs are lighter brown but with two darker marks. Smoky brown roaches are known to be stronger flyers and this is in part due to their long wing lengths.

Both male and female smoky brown cockroaches have wings that extend past the length of their abdomens.

This is only observed in males. However, ensure to use these details to see if you’re dealing with Smoky Brown cockroaches nymph in the bathroom.


Read also: What Does a Roach Look Like? All You Need To Know


Signs of Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph in Bathroom

Once you know what your pests look like, check around the bathroom and your property at large to confirm their presence.

Finding hot spots of activity in the bathroom and other spots indoors.

Smoky brown cockroach nymphs can be found in other places, you have to look around areas where moisture tends to build up.

Smoky brown cockroaches are prone to dehydration. So they’re constantly looking for food and water inside structures.


Read also: Where do Cockroach Live? Discover their Habitat


Where to Find Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph

Common areas to check are the kitchen and bathroom and especially underneath sinks, look for leaks or other signs of moisture build-up.

These roaches are strong fliers. As a result, you should also want to check the attic or crawl spaces be on the lookout, not just for the roaches themselves, but also to find their nymphs, droppings shed, skins, and eggs.

Also, inspect any cracks and crevices. Smoky brown roach nymphs could be hiding in.

Other possible infestation sources used to invade your home are door cracks or wall voids Outdoors. Look nearby for common harborage, which most roaches would use for shelter.

This can include leaf litter wood, piles underneath rocks and slabs underneath thick, foliage tree cavities, within eaves, rain gutters, and any voids cracks, or crevices along with the structure.

If there are trees near your structure, or if any branches, hang over the structure, especially since this will give smoky brown roaches easy access to fly in, ensure to trim or eliminate them.

Take note of what you found as will use this information to direct your treatment.


How to Get Rid of Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph

When applying any pest control treatment, it is advised you ensure to wear your personal protective equipment, or PPE, and remember to keep all humans and pets in spray-treated areas until dry.

To get rid of smoky brown cockroaches permanently, you’ll need to use several products to fight these roach nymphs in the bathroom and other spots of infestation were identified.

Pest infestation usually begin outdoors, you will need to conduct a perimeter treatment around the outside of your structure to stop any roach from invading your property

We recommend you, use a liquid insecticide concentrate that is made with the active ingredient bifenthrin that will leave a lasting residual such as Reclaim IT, Apex cockroach gel bait, and Ficam insect bait.

The bifenthrin will work to kill the smoky brown cockroach nymphs and other pests it comes in contact with.

It will also leave a barrier that prevents pests from crossing from your home.


How to Apply

  1. A product that contains 7.9% bifenthrin, we recommend you use 0.3321 fluid ounce of product per one gallon of spray solution.
  2. Use 1 fluid ounce if you’re dealing with a heavy infestation. This will treat up to 1,000 square feet of the treatment area.
  3. We recommend you use this product in a 1 or 1.5-gallon handheld sprayer to make mixing an application quick and easy to mix.
  4. Fill your pump sprayer with half a gallon of water and add your measuring amount of insecticide concentrate at the rest of the water up to the 1 gallon.
  5. Close the sprayer and Shake to ensure even distribution.
  6. Pump, the sprayer a few times to produce a pressure spray.
  7. Apply your insecticide solution in your bathroom where infestations were spotted, also as a parameter treatment around your structures and foundation.
  8. Create a barrier by spraying 3 feet up the structure and three feet out.
  9. Next, to get rid of existing roach nymphs, treat the entry points you noted earlier in your inspection.
  10. Be sure to spray around doors, windows openings created by utility pipes.
  11. Spray around the garage door and any other openings you may have found once an adult smoky brown roach.

Once the roach comes into contact with the application. It can take up to one hour for it to die.

Next, reinforce your outer perimeter by laying an insecticide bait that will eliminate roaches and other pests.


Using Ficam Insect Bait

After consumption, we recommend you use Ficam insect bait.

Ficam is a ready-to-use granular insecticide that contains orthoboric acid. orthoboric acid is a naturally occurring compound which contains boron fighting most common house-hold pests.

So it’s safe to use around children or pets.

How to Apply

  1. Use a rate of 2 to 4 pounds per thousand square feet of the treatment area or more.
  2. Apply 3.2 to 6 ounces per 100 square feet.
  3. We recommend you spread the product directly from the container or with a small cup.

To apply from the container:

  1. Open the container and remove the seal
  2. Hold the container about 4 to 5 inches from the ground and shake the product.
  3. Spray out in 2 to 4-foot bands around your treatment perimeter.
  4. Ensure you are at least 10 feet away from your structure.

You can also apply ficam bait around trees, flower beds, mulch, and near woodpiles as taking out the source will prevent roach nymphs from your bathroom.


How to Get Rid of Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph in Bathroom

Once you finish treating Outdoors, you’ll need to treat indoors as well as your bathroom. We recommend you use a paint product, like Apex cockroach gel bait.

Apex is effective gel bait designed to kill roaches slowly after consumption. This gives the roach time to travel back to its nest before it dies. Thus spreading the lethal poison to others before you apply this product, ensure to eliminate food and consumable water source.

In the Kitchen:

Clean your entire home and be sure not to use any harsh chemicals, just warm water will do.

Clean countertops, vacuum floors, and take out the garbage. By cleaning up, you’ve eliminated competing food sources that can get in the way of your gel bait application.

In the Bathroom:

To use Apex gel bait, just apply a small pea-sized drop of gel to sinks, and crevices around plumbing entry points.

And wherever else you have seen roach activity to get underneath your toilet and bathroom appliances.

You can apply a drop onto a card and Slide the card underneath but you’ve had less than 12 inches of space between each application.

Finally. You’ll finish your treatment by treating your kitchen, bathrooms, and indoors with ficam.

You can apply ficam in your attic, crawl spaces, basements, and wherever else, you’ve seen smoky brown cockroach nymphs activity.


How to Prevent Smoky Brown Cockroach Nymph in Bathroom, Kitchen, and Outdoors

The best way to stop pest activity is to make sure it can happen once you’ve dealt with your roach infestation.

  1. To prevent smoky brown cockroach nymphs from invading your home is to keep it clean and dry and free of extra moisture.
  2. Keep up with regular cleaning around kitchens and bathrooms.
  3. Address any sites of high moisture in your bathroom.
  4. Be sure to clean out your rain gutters.
  5. Fix leaky faucets and repair faulty plumbing.
  6. If you haven’t already adapted to a regular cleaning schedule, clean your floors regularly, and ensure your sink is dry every night.
  7. Remember, not to leave any food out, especially outdoors.
  8. Pick up any litter or debris that Smoky brown cockroaches can use as a harbor.
  9. Trim overhanging tree branches to limit the access that smoky brown roaches or other pests could have access to your home.
  10. You’ll prevent roaches from coming into your bathroom by sealing off any cracks, and crevices by using caulk and copper mesh.



In conclusion, like other roaches, smoky brown cockroaches can invade your homes and caused much distress, but it somehow sounds worse to find roaches in your attic.

Practically attempting these DIY guides on smoky brown cockroach nymphs in bathroom and how to get rid of them. You will be able to control an infestation not just in the bathroom but indoors and outdoors.

We guarantee you a permanent and effective smoky brown cockroach elimination. Do well to share your thoughts and share to friends as well.

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