
What is the Life Cycle of Termites?

The life cycle of termites is unique, it tends to be similar to that of bees. So, what is the life cycle of termites? Do you have any clue?


Don’t be scared of the question as this article is published to assistant you with all you need to know about the life cycle of termites.


What is the Life Cycle of Termites?

The life cycle of the termite begins with a mating flight wherein swarming, winged reproductive males and females, leave established colonies, and procreate.

After fertilization winged termites land and shed their wings going on to form new colonies. These insects then become the king or queen termites of their newly established colonies.

The queen and king termites are at the center of the termite life cycle and are responsible for reproduction.

What is the life cycle of termites


The Life Cycle of King Termites

The king termite’s main job in their life cycle is to mate with the queen also through chemical, secretions known as pheromones key in the queen.

Determine how many of their offspring developed into workers and soldiers. The king termite lives for 5years mating and building several colonies, a king and queen can grow the colony into a million termites.


The Life cycle of Queen Termites

The queen termite’s job is to lay eggs. She is fed by the workers along with the king, she also secretes the pheromone that controls specialization in the colony.

A queen can live for 25 years or more, building and reproducing more than 2,000 eggs a day. After the fertilized Queen lays her eggs. They hatch into pale white larva, eggs hatch into larvae, and mold.


The Life Cycle of Worker Termites

The workers develop into soldiers and are primary or secondary reproductives. The queen can lay from several hundred to several thousand every day, the eggs take about 30 days to hatch into larvae.

Larvae these immature, termites are fed through the salivary glands of the king and later by other mature worker termites based on chemical messages received from the queen and king.

The larvae will develop into one of five Specialties over the course of several virile moles, these larvae grow to assume a role in one of the three termite colony castles, workers, soldiers, and reproductive termites also known as a lace.

An intermediate stage uses are destined to become one of 2 types of reproductive termites while they wait, the workers help in the care of the larvae.


The Life Cycle of A Nymph

A nymph is a young termite that is going through molds, a process of shedding its exoskeleton to become reproductive.

First, a termite develops, a soft exoskeleton under its current hard exoskeleton. Then, once the termite is reached maturity, its outermost skeleton splits open and the new skeleton enlarges and artists this molting process continues throughout a termite’s life cycle.


Termite Colony

Based on the colonies, the workers are the bread and butter of the colony. They forage for food that would feed the queen, the king, and care for the larvae.

They are sterile soldiers. When the colony comes under attack the soldiers with their oversized mandibles can emit a sick glue-like substance that immobilizes Invaders.

The mature colony has thousands of Nims which will develop wing pads and become wing reproductives.

They grow long fragile wings and feed themselves waiting for swarming season, the winged reproductives reach maturity.

And when the time is right headed to the sky on Moss, creating the familiar and dreaded swarming ritual, they fly away from their home colony toward any light source then fall to the ground.

Dealet is only 1% of the tens of thousands of elate survivors. In the process of leaving the colony, landing, and looking for a mate, those that survive will pair off, beating their wings from their bodies.

They begin a highly structured mating ritual known as a royalty. In the rare instance, when would water in the match set of dealets come together, they themselves become king and queen. A new colony is born.

In conclusion, reading to this point, we hope you’ve learned and known “what is the life cycle of termites?” What is your opinion on this topic? Let me know down the comment.

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